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Top 5 Tips to Help Make Your Day More Productive

Top 5 Tips to Help Make Your Day More Productive

Are you in need of inspiration to help make you feel more energetic throughout your day?  Life throws all kinds of hurdles our way and it seems like we are always on the go from the moment our eyes open in the morning.  We have curated 5 common hacks you can make as part of your morning routine to ensure that you have a better day! But first, why is this important?

Why do I need a morning routine?

There are so many articles and books on the importance of creating a morning routine and how this can shape the rest of your day… and future.  Carly Stein, an entrepreneur, and advocate for the My Morning Routine book, summed up the importance of her morning routine when she said, “My routine is there to serve as the building blocks for a successful day. It’s a tool. I try not to get bogged down if I can’t do it all.”  Having a set of rituals you set for yourself that you accomplish at the beginning of your day can help set the tone that you are going to have a productive rest of your day and will motivate you to feel more energetic as you go about your daily activities.

So, here are 5 routines we thought were worth mentioning when you are trying to set up a successful morning routine…

1.  Start the Night Beforemorning routine

A successful morning routine actually starts the night before. Planning for the next day is the best way to jumpstart your morning.

Do you have a meeting at 9 AM?  Knowing this and planning what you will wear and what you need to bring to the meeting will make you feel more prepared and successful for what will happen at the meeting.  No one likes having to feel rushed before going into a meeting and if you have everything you need beforehand you will feel ahead of the game!

Whether you’re planning your meals, laying out your clothes for the next day, or preparing for a big meeting, taking a few minutes to review your calendar ahead of time can alleviate unnecessary pressure and keep you motivated in the morning so you’re more likely to have a productive day.

wake up at your ideal time2. Wake Up At Your Ideal Time…And Avoid The SNOOZE Button!

Getting the proper amount of sleep is essential to feeling good in the morning.  If you are not investing in a good sleep cycle then you are almost ensuring that you will feel tired and sluggish thro

ughout your day.  Go to bed at a decent time where you are able to get the right amount of sleep to feel good and productive throughout the day.

The average Adult needs around 7-9 hours of quality sleep at night to feel refreshed.  Make sure you are getting the proper amount of ZZZ’s to help you stay refreshed and ready for your day.

Also, make it a habit of avoiding that Snooze Button!  Set the alarm to go off when you want to wake up and get out of bed after the first buzzzz.  We all know how tempting that extra snooze time is, and we are all guilty of thinking, “…just 10 more minutes.”  However, when you start the day by procrastinating, you may continue with that type of mindset and behaviors.

work out at home

3. Get Moving

Exercising first thing in the morning might sound like the last thing you want to do when you wake up but it is actually proven to help boost your energy and help you become more focused throughout the day.  Also, as if we needed more reasons than just feeling productive…getting exercise and getting your blood pumping first thing in the morning can also help boost your metabolism and help with weight loss!

Your morning exercise does not have to be a rigorous session in the gym.  Doing a 10 minute Yoga routine or going for a 20-minute walk are also great forms of exercise that can help you be more focused and energetic to face the day!

Make Your Bed4.  Make Your Bed

Starting your day off by completing a task, no matter how simple, can make you feel accomplished from the start.  Soldiers are taught this as the first part of their military training when they are ordered to make their bed every morning.  Admiral William McRaven wrote the famous book Make Your Bed where he talks about the importance of completing this task in the morning.

Making my bed correctly was not going to be an opportunity for praise. It was expected of me. It was my first task of the day, and doing it right was important. It demonstrated my discipline. It showed my attention to detail, and at the end of the day it would be a reminder that I had done something well, something to be proud of, no matter how small the task.

When you have a long list of things to do throughout your day, how great would it feel to have the first thing easily crossed off before you even walk out of your bedroom?

Do Something That Makes You Happy5.  Do Something That Makes You Happy

Waking up early doesn’t have to feel like a chore!  Carving out a few minutes in the morning to devote time to something that makes you smile will make it easier to wake up. Whether it is cuddling with your partner, spending some time with your kids, playing with your fur baby or reading a few chapters from a book, just take the time to do something that makes your day a bit brighter from the beginning. Doing something enjoyable in the morning will help frame your day and lead to a more positive outlook as you go about your normal daily activities.  This will also make forming the habit of waking up early more enjoyable and easier to continue.